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SBC History | May Day: May Day

Queens, Courts, and Dresses

May Day at Sweet Briar

When Sweet Briar College opened in in the fall of 1906, fifty-one students were enrolled. The following spring, this class held the first May Day celebration at Sweet Briar in 1907.  

Until World War II, it was the most important campus event of the year. The war limited enthusiasm and resources, and the feel of the May Day photos changes after 1946.

Perhaps expanded opportunities for women outside the home had diminished the appeal of the pageant. But annual celebrations continued until 1969. After that students voted to end the tradition.

1907 - Anne Royal (no photo)

  • Court
  • Dresses - No photo

1908 - Mary Brooke

1909 - Josephine Murray (no photo)

1910 - Josephine Murray (no photo)

1911 - Margaret Cobb

1912 - Eugenia Buffington

1913 - Mary Tyler

1914 - Ruth Maurice

1915 - Ruth Watkins

1916 - Rebecca Stout

1917 - Martha Darden

1918 - Catherine Marshall

1919 - Helen Johnson

1920 - Helen Beeson

1921 - Rhoda Allen

1922 - Mary Elizabeth Munson

1923 - Virginia Stanberry

1924 - Anne Harrell James

1925 - Eugenia Goodall

1926 - Elizabeth Roundtree

1927 - Virginia Wilson

1928 - Marion Taber

1929 - Belle Brokenbrough





1930 - Ruth Hasson

1931 - Jane Muhlberg

1932 - Virginia Ives Hall

1933 - Sara Marie Kelly

1934 - Lydia Harris Goodwyn

1935 - Ellen Pratt

1936 - Chloe Frierson

1937 - Molly Gruber

1938 - Vesta Murry

1939 - Viola James

1940 - Beth Thomas

1941 - Laetitia Seibels

1942 - Ruthe Gardner Hensley

1943 - Muriel Grymes

1944 - Katherine Tuft

1945 - Hilda Hude

1946 - Shields Daughtridge Jones

1947 - Alice Reese

1948 - Bess Pratt

1949 - Dot Bottom








1950 - Catherine Angelica Clark

1951 - Jean Molyneux

1952 - Mary Bailey

1953 - Polly Sloan

1954 - Frances Reese

1955 - Pamela Compton

1956 - Francis Gilbert

1957 - Roberta Louise Malone

1958 - Marietta Eggleston

  • Court - Oriental Holiday (No photo)
  • Dresses - (No photo)
  • Program

1959 - Jacqueline Gay Hart

1960 - Elizabeth Forsyth

1961 - Nancy Ruina Wallace

1962 - Fontaine Hutter

1963 - Betsy Flanders

1964 - Mary Duer

1965 - Sarah Brown Porter

1966 - Anne Rogers Newton

1967 - Patricia Ottilie Neithold

1968 - Pamela McConnell

1969 - Mary Lelia Bell

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